learn. Grow. Connect

This platform is designed to have coaches network, obtain new knowledge, grow as a coach, & better help serve the players around the world.

Inside the Film Room

Grow your knowledge and learn how to effectively break down film to show your players, teams, as well as how to put together scouting film. 

Player Development

Full access to my player development curriculum + new content uploaded each month to implement into workouts, clinics, & practices. 

Coach Consulting

Coffee & Hoops members will meet via zoom twice a month to discuss various coaching topics with the intention to connect, learn, and grow.


Coffee & Hoops provides you with the necessary tools to grow as a coach & ultimately making a positive impact on the players around you.

  • Film Study
  • Player Development Content
  • Whiteboard Series
  • Coach Consulting
  • Interactive coaching forum



Game Skills | Game Results


Film Study

Learn to master the game through one hour of film per day.

Player Development

Become efficient in your workouts, clinics, practices to serve the players.


Connect with coaches from all over the world in the forum as well as monthly zoom calls as we all strive to grow the game.


Grow as a coach breaking down offensive & defensive concepts, go-to X’s & O’s, & how to game plan for your opponent.

The Idea Behind

Coffee & Hoops

I am always looking to connect with coaches from all over the world. I wake up every morning with a cup of coffee & spending some time towards anything to help me grow as a person and coach. My goal with this platform is to help as many coaches and trainers become the best version of themselves as we all play a vital role in evolving the game of basketball. Coffee & Hoops provides content, courses, and more to help better your coaching craft.

About Coach Mike

Professional Basketball Coach

A native of southern New Jersey, Coach Mike Shaughnessy continues to rise as one of the best young coaches and trainers in the game today. At 30, Mike has already been a top assistant at two Division III universities and runs camps throughout the US and different parts of China. Along with Mike’s plethora of coaching connections, he’s also been fortunate enough to gain tons of experience and knowledge from the top coaches & trainers in the world.


Every day is an opportunity to learn something new. Whether that involves the game of basketball or anything in life, you must invest time in to each day to gain knowledge. By the end of each day, you want to be better in one aspect of your life.


If you are learning something new each day, then you are growing as a person. Approach life with a growth mindset. Be a life-long learner in anything you do. Be invested in the process of improving every day, knowing that progress happens over the long haul. There will be ups and downs along the way that will either define who you are or drive you to continue to work towards what you seek. The experience allows for remarkable growth as long as you stay committed to the journey.


As you are enduring the process, you will meet people along the way. It’s about forming genuine relationships with those people, learning from each other, and growing that bond for life. Continue to connect with like-minded people on your journey. You never know where it will lead you.

Coffee & Hoops has created a platform to help you become an elite coach or trainer

Sipping on coffee and diving into some hoops is the start to a great day. I hope with Coffee & Hoops you can find your way to taking the right approach and improving your craft.

Online Resources

Receive Film Breakdowns

Receive Detailed Workout Progressions

Consultation with Coach Mike

Coffee & Hoops Courses

This coaching platform will offer various courses to help educate & build a coaches portfolio. Join our mailing list to get started!

Coaching Blog

Subscribe for weekly resources to enhance your knowledge as a person and coach

BElieve in YOUrself

BElieve in YOUrself

Anything in this world; sports teams, superstars, businesses, actors, organizations, products, etc. that are now a success once began with many failures. Some failed harder than others. Stories of struggle beyond reason that would make many think to fold and give up....

Professional Development: Clinic Notes 2016

Professional Development: Clinic Notes 2016

The biggest part of growing as a coach is the process of your own professional development. Whether that be film study, going to clinics, viewing content online, it plays a role in your growth. Knowledge is power, and the more information you can soak up and apply it...

Control What YOU Can Control

Control What YOU Can Control

There are so many things that we discuss with our players on and off the court that pertains to the game. None of which matters if we as coaches and our players don't approach each opportunity you have together with three quality traits that determine positive or...

Short sided games drill book

This short side games drill book provides coaches with situational games to help players transfer their skills to live gameplay. 

1v1 | 1v2

2v2 | 2v3 | 3v2

3v3 | 3v4 | 4v4 | 5v5

Get Started!

Become a part of the Coffee & Hoops community. Let’s continue to evolve the game we all love and serve the players in the most effective way possible. Contact me to make your impact and grow in the coaching world!

Email Address
